Friday, 7 October 2016

Book Review- Courting Injustice


        Nirbhaya case was an eye opener. It was a window to the levels of cruelty a human can go upto. It shook the entire nation. It was asif the entire nation had united against the rapists. The dictionary definition of Rape is "This is one of the worst crimes there is". Everyday we hear of atleast 1 rape in one of the daily national. The ferocity with which Nirbhaya was molested was hair-raising and that's why as a reader I was really intrigued to read Rajesh Talwar's take on this one.
       After the atrocities of the Rapists on Nirbhaya, A committee Named The Verma Committee was formed to get modifications in the law that pertains rape and other crimes related to it. I think the author has done a fantastic job in compiling all the information on this and putting it in words in this narative. The author has commented on each and every recommendation put forth by the Verma Committee that got added to the new law and discussed these points at length. Not only that, he has also commented on the 10% recommendations that got left out.
       Yes we all agree that we have a really flawed justice system. Our biggest problem is time.The cases being in the court for the longest time and the verdict taking ages to come through. He has highlighted some very relevant and old cases to prove this point. Some cases have taken as many as 2 decades for their verdict. Inspite of being fast tracked, the Nirbhaya case has taken 9 months for its final verdict and till date, the verdict has not been materialised. The rapists are not yet hanged. These flaws are highlighted beautifully by the author.
       The author has done an in depth research in putting up all of these things together. Not only Nirbhaya case but also everything related to rapes. What Rajesh Talwar fails in, is the solutions. As a reader I was looking for concrete solutions to the problems listed. The questions raised by him are extremely pertinent. As a common man, they are my questions too, but what are the adequate answers for them? As a woman, if I end up facing such an ordeal how do I feel secured that there is a law in place to protect me? I started reading the book with a mindset of reaching the destination and getting my answers but I am just left with more questions.

       This one is definitely not for the faint hearted. Its a very skillful compilation of all the facts and figures. So its not one of the usual books on Nirbhaya. Also its not a one sitting book. Its heavy and will leave you with a lot of questions.

STARS- 2.75/5

 I won a review copy from The Tales Pensieve as part of Reviewers Programme. Register on #TTP for lots of #book fun and activities.